Literature on piracy in Nigeria abound. However, limited insights have been suggested on how to effectively enforce antipiracy legislation through an enhanced institutional regime, from a comparative perspective. This study interrogates the significance of well-equipped and well-trained maritime regulatory and security institutions in enforcing antipiracy instruments in Nigeria. Thus, the study comparatively analyses Nigeria and Korea’s counterpiracy frameworks. The results of the study provide significant support to the author’s thesis that corrupt and inefficient maritime institutions, an inefficient criminal justice system, bad governance, poverty, unemployment, and absence of political will by the government of Nigeria to curb piracy impede the suppression of piratical acts in the country. It is argued that the existence of well-trained and well-equipped maritime regulatory and security agencies is pivotal in enforcing the provisions of antipiracy instruments and prosecuting pirates in Nigerian courts. Above all, the Nigerian government must cultivate the political will to suppress piracy off its coast. The findings of this study have significant implications for the judiciary, maritime regulatory and security agencies, and shipping companies in Nigeria.